Just wanted to make a post on the fact that I’m starting to try to teach myself Python. I had an employee working for me that was learning Python on the job here. He created a few really good scripts that helped our operations tremendously. Then he left the company and took that skill set with him. I finally have some time and motivation to finally try to teach myself using one of the people he recommended learning from. David Bombal has a good YouTube series that has started me on my path. It helps if you know GNS3 because he refers to it/uses it a bit.
One of the minor things I had to deal with because my GNS3 server is behind a proxy server, was getting the Ubuntu Docker guest to communicate out properly. I had to put in the below command to make that work.
export http_proxy=”http://x.x.x.x:80″
So far I’m really excited to get started on the journey of learning Python. I’ve gone through a bit of the series already and I feel pretty good about learning and going forward.